
Sunday, February 18, 2018

Folder Lock 7.7.0 Final + Serial Keys [Full Version]

Folder Lock v7.7.0 Latest Version is a full suite solution letting you keep your files encrypted and locked while keeping an automatic and real-time backup of encrypted files to an online storage. Folder Lock 7.7.0 Crack With License Key (Portable) Full Free Download also offers portable security for USB drives and CDs/DVDs. Folder Lock 7 locks, hides, and password-protects files and folders on your PC, but it also encrypts files and email attachments, takes secure backups, protects USB and CD drives, and makes wallets that can store credit card numbers and other sensitive personal information. It thwarts hackers by logging and acting upon multiple failed log-in attempts, while a hotkey-activated stealth mode keeps out snoops.
 Installation Instructions by Cybermethod:
1- Open [folder-lock-en.exe] and install the software.
2- Close Internet connection and use the serial key.
3- Block program with firewall.
4- That’s all. Enjoy the final full version.


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